VELO = bici = Fahrrad = bicycle
GET = gettare = jeter = werfen = (to) throw
ARTE = Kunst = art
From 12.05.2021 to 12.06.2021 the trinational art project “VeloGetArte” organized by Cassedy Richter took place in Bologna, Leipzig and Lyon. We supported the international project with our artist network and international cooperation partners on site.
The LackStreichKleber e.V. was invited by the organizers of the “11.KunstLandStrich in and around Hoyerswerda” to participate with an exhibition on a cargo bike. For the first time we showed the exhibition “Of True Colors on Bi Cycles” of the LackStreicheKleber Festival 2020 outside Dresden.
On June 6th the exhibition was presented on Lausitzer Platz and Altstädter Marktplatz and attracted extensive audience.
Urban Art Weekend of the NBZKD
On July 17th and 18th 2021, LackStreicheKleber e.V. participated in the Dresden NBZKD art project on the Dresden Altmarkt.
Under the title “Current art in public space – actions, workshops, panels” we organized two rounds of talks and live performances with international and local artists.
Toon Hezemans (NL) , Moritz S.(DE), Robert Kaltenhäuser(DE) and Enrico Sutter/Spike e.V.(DE) participated in the discussion panels. The talks were moderated by Cassedy Richter and Björn Schorr.
Anders Reventlov from Malmö and Jens Besser from Dresden drew live works.
In the run-up to the traveling exhibition on cargo bikes and the distribution campaign, a call was launched to regional artists* to submit designs under the motto “Fahrradkorso”. A jury selected 19 works from the submissions that met the requirements of the theme and the desired quality.
From 09.08.2021 to 14.08.2021 The exhibition took place at daily changing locations in different parts of Dresden. All selected submissions were presented framed. On 09.08.2021 the exhibition was opened on two borrowed cargo bikes on the Löbtauer Conertplatz . The presentation was accompanied by media and documented. Further exhibitions took place on the Prager Straße, on the Elberadweg, on the Alaunplatz, on the Hohenthalplatz , and on the Jorge-Gomondai-Platz.
The cargo bike exhibition was conceived by Jens Besser and realized in cooperation with the ImNu bicycle courier collective.
The distribution action on 14.08.2021 combined the medium bicycle with art performatively and uncommercial. Over 900 graphics were rolled into approximately 400 art rolls by a multi-member group. The rolls were then divided among the participants of the cyclist group. Each participant received enough art rolls for the common parkour to distribute.
Due to the constantly changing exhibition locations, a very broad audience in different parts of the city was reached. At least 197 people visited the exhibition. The distribution campaign reached both residents and guests of Dresden. At least 400 art rolls were distributed to groups of between one and five people, reaching an average of 1000 recipients.
RadKunstWurf was funded by the Office for Culture and Monument Protection of the State Capital Dresden and Neustart Kultur of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Murals at the Klotzsche train station
At the request of the owners of the Dresden train station in Klotzsche, large-scale wall designs were realized in the interior and on the exterior facade of the station.
The Dresden artist Jens Besser realized his work ” SANTA INTERREGIA”.