The Light Of The Beast – book presentation by Pablo Allison
On invitation of LackStreicheKleber e.V., the British-Mexican photographer and activist Pablo Allison presented his book THE LIGHT OF THE BEAST at the bautzner69 gallery, specialised in photography, on 30 January 2024 in Dresden and on 1 February at the Rebel Art Galerie in Chemnitz. The presentation announced a part of the 7th LSK Festival – the artistic approach of urban art artists on the escape of migrants by freight trains.
After the presentation in Chemnitz, Allison realised a mural at UW Etzdorf.
In co-operation with Karen Weinert / bautzner69 & Rebel Art Galerie.
7. LSK -Festival
From 1.- 9.6.2024, more than 25 events took place in the Dresden districts of Altstadt, Blasewitz, Friedrichstadt, Leubnitz-Neuostra, Klotzsche, Neustadt and Pieschen as part of the 7th LackStreicheKleber – Urban Art Festival Dresden.
Among them were the first KinderStraßenparade (children’s street parade) and the exhibition “The Beast” in Pieschen, the Live-Polylux-Projection by Silvio Colditz at Postplatz and the discussion about 40 years of graffiti and street art in Dresden in the Stadtmuseum in Altstadt, the exhibition SPIKE MEETS URBAN UP in Leubnitz-Neuostra, the live mural painting by Simone Ferrarini at the train station Klotzsche, the RadKunstWurf exhibition on cargo bike under the bridge Blaues Wunder in Blasewitz, the Mural Tour in Friedrichstadt and the Vinyl Lounge in the Groove Station and the LSK URBAN SHOP on the scheune forecourt in Neustadt.
More than 50 people took part in five open urban art workshops.
In total, the festival had at least 1545 visitors/recipients. 74 actors and artists were involved in the implementation of the festival.
The festival was promoted through various channels. Flyers and posters were distributed throughout the city.
Newspaper articles appeared in the DNN and in the DRESDNER Kulturmagazin. MDR-Artour and 3Sat-Kulturzeit reported on the festival in a filmed report. On social media, over 10000 accounts were reached during the festival period.
The majority of the events were very well attended. The festival went very well and reached a large audience.
cooperation partners
EDUCCA kunst URBANI – Symposion, Workshop, Pecha Kucha
From 23 October to 26 October, events took place as part of EDUCCA kunst URBANI. The pilot project focussed on the theoretical examination of urban art. For the symposium on Saturday 26 October 2024 at Hanse 3, mainly guests from central Germany were invited. These included Tom Urban from Rotzfrech Cinema in Erfurt, Doppelhand from Leipzig, as well as Enrico Sutter and David Adam from Dresden. Robert Kaltenhäuser from Aachen and Aki aka a_kiwara from Vienna were also guests.
The informal panel discussions and talks dealt with individual artistic perspectives (David Adam & Enrico Sutter), freight hopping (Aki aka a_kiwara & Jens Besser), journalistic activities (Rotzfrech Cinema & Doppelhand) and further developments in urban art train painting (Robert Kaltenhäuser).
Relaxed coffee breaks in between and the savoury hobo haute cuisine (thanks to Maitre Wagenmeister Johann) at the end enjoyed the interested audience from far and wide.
In the run-up to the symposium, a Pecha Kucha evening took place on 23 October 2024 in cooperation with Hanse 3 under the title ‘Acting in Public Space’ with Dresden speakers and on 23 & 24 October 2024 the workshop Collaborative Mural Painting with Benjamin Butter.
EDUCCA kunst URBANI was organised by Jens Besser in kooperation with Hanse 3 e.V.
fame, botten, Sprühfrisch – Poster – panel discussion and graffiti old-school-meeting
On 30 October 2024, a panel discussion on historical Dresden graffiti and street art artefacts and an old-school graffiti meeting took place in the café of the Dresden City Museum.
The discussion continued the process of analysing Dresden’s graffiti and street art history that began at the festival by addressing further questions.
Among other things, existing artefacts of Dresden’s graffiti and street art history were discussed. Participants in the event brought along blackbooks, photo books, photos, magazines and much more. The interested audience was able to view the artefacts they had brought along. Sebastian ‘Slider’ Girbig presented his collection of other artefacts during the talk. Aikaterini Dori from the Dresden City Museum tried to roughly describe the process of acquiring an artefact and gave initial informal statements of interest. Photographer Ralf ‘fly’ Menzel also took part in the panel discussion.
The discussion was moderated by Jens Besser. Besser organised the event in cooperation with the Stadtmuseum Dresden and SPIKE Dresden.
The Graffiti-Oldschooler meeting also marked the start of writing a glossary of Dresden’s graffiti history.
The aim of further events will be to catalogue existing artefacts brought in by visitors.
For this purpose, artefacts brought to the site will be documented photographically, information about the owners will be recorded and the owners’ comments on the artefacts will be written down. The glossary will also be expanded.