1. LackStreicheKleber – Festival 

The first LackStreicheKleber Festival took place from 3 to 12 August 2014.

A loose group of Dresden urban art actors organized the festival in cooperation with Dresden art and cultural initiatives. Among the initiators were galerie module (Verena Andreas), Hole Of Fame (Eric Vogel), Altes Wettbüro (Michael Schumann), SPIKE Dresden (Andy K), Paint Club (Fabiane Follert) and Urban Script Continues (Jens Besser).

At galerie modul 8 – Kraftwerk Mitte, mainly works by Dresden urban art artists were on display, including Andy K, Artourette, Bandits Crew, Benuz, Jens Besser, Clone, Cre- Ei8ht, Just stencil the world and Twenty Freaks.

In addition to the exhibited works by individual artists, projects such as the Sichtbetong Festival were also presented. Another exhibition took place in Altes Wettbüro.

Workshops on urban art techniques were led by Jens Besser in galerie module in cooperation with riesa efau, Andy K and Slider in SPIKE and Hole of Fame, among others.

Fabiane Follert from Paint Club organized a “live pop-up paint battle” in the city – in front of the Dresden Neustadt and Mitte train stations, among others.

There were guided tours through Dresden Neustadt by Andy K and through Dresden Friedrichstadt by Jens Besser.

Public murals were painted on the construction fence of the Kraftwerk Mitte and in Neustadt district. The Danish artist Anders Reventlov took part in the mural paintings.

  • LSK-Festival 2014 - Plakatentwurf von Jens Besser
    LSK-Festival 2014 - Posterdesign by Jens Besser