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“Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? – Historical analysis of urban art using the example of Kassel” – lecture
June 8, 2024 @ 15:00 - 15:30
Graffiti and street art are inherently ephemeral forms of expression. But how can we go beyond material conservation to ensure that old and new urban works of art become and remain a permanent topic within an urban society? The walk guide “Street Art to go – On the way to art in Kassel’s streets” from the cdw Foundation and the work on and with it can provide answers to this: through art education, taking the city’s history seriously and still quite unusual collaborations with municipal offices, archives and artists* inside, who only appear to have left the city decades ago. Its main author Gerrit Retterath, who works as a cultural manager, sociologist and graffiti lobbyist, will report on the walk guide and the work on it.
lecture in german language
Photo: Nicolas Wefers for the cdw Foundation