- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Graffiti Workshop 40+ ( 40 – 140 years )
September 13, 2020 @ 14:00 - 18:00
€10For the first time during the LackStreicheKleber Festival we offer a graffiti workshop for interested people over 40 years of age. We would like to give adults and older people the opportunity to try out graffiti on walls with spray cans.
The workshop will teach you how to paint with spray cans. You can bring simple drafts to the workshop. The experienced coach Casom will help you to translate the sketches into finished murals.
We ask you to register for the workshop with the organizer, as the number of participants is limited.
Legal graffiti areas – flood channel Washingtonstraße Dresden – Übigau
Contribution 10,00 € plus material according to consumption (10€-20€)
Registration: Workshop@lackstreichekleber.de & 0160 95161601